Essential Oils Diffusers- Enhance Your Productivity


As there are many options to choose, you need to decide which diffuser meets your needs. Essential oils diffusers helps to nullify your stress after a busy day. We’ve spent the past few weeks testing out and studying some of the most popular diffusers on the internet to uncover the pros and cons of essential oils.

There are plenty of ways you reap emotional benefits by using the best essential oils for diffusers. Finding a blend that supports your specific needs can enhance your productivity at work, regulate your sleep cycle, and even balance your hormones. Our sense of smell is the first part of the brain to be developed as a fetus, so you can be assured that using essential oils to regulate stress isn’t just trendy — it’s based off science. By breathing specific scents, we’re triggering sensations felt by the emotional part of our brain, aka the limbic system.

Have you ever smelled something that literally brought you back to an old experience? That’s your sense of smell working in connection with your limbic system. These two things are constantly working together to not only bring back old memories, but also trigger physical responses, like recoiling in disgust after smelling something rancid.

Inhaling essential oils can support five of the brain’s primary functions: They can be anxiolytic, which relieves anxiety and stress; analgesics, to provide mental relief from pain; sedatives, which calm the mind and promote sleep; cephalic, to create alertness and help the brain focus; or nervine, which relieves stress. See details



Peppermint oil diffusers are often considered the most powerful type of diffusers and with good reason. They do not need water or heat to get the essential oil in to the air and they work by using an atomizer to create fine, airborne particles of essential oils and blowing them in to the air.

Using Peppermint Essential Oil in Your Oil Diffuser

It’s no secret that pure peppermint essential oil smells good. The invigorating and refreshing fragrance has been the hallmark of this wondrous and versatile plant. Cultivated for nearly 5,000 years for its medicinal uses, peppermint oil has a proven track record as an effective ingredient in folk medicine and home remedies. Aside from peppermint essential oil’s well documented antibacterial and antifungal properties, its use as an uplifting aroma experience through an essential oil diffuser can have tremendous effects on mood and mental well-being.



There are a variety of oil diffusers available on the market to meet a wide range of aroma needs. Commonly, diffusers can be broken into a couple of categories. The most basic and easiest to use are diffusers that use a tea light candle to heat a dish of neat—or undiluted—oil. Often referred to as essential oil burners, these diffuser options offer simplicity and ease of use paired with a low price. Homes with pets or children however are not always a good match for open flame and some users are understandably uncomfortable leaving a lit candle burning all day. Additionally, though inexpensive individually, the cost of replacement candles can add up.

The safer and more reliable style of essential oil diffuser plugs into the wall. Though electric options all work on the same principle, the exact aroma delivery method varies. Some work just like the candle-powered option, though instead of an open flame they rely on a hot coil to heat up the pool of essential oil. This variety is easy to use, safe, and hassle free. See full article



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