Feel Soft and Smooth With Great Bath Soak Recipe

Especially perfect around the holiday season, vanilla and bath salts are ridiculously easy to prepare and will leave you feeling relaxed. You will love this homemade bath soak if you do anything that may give you sore. Keep reading and stay with us.


As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, there’s nothing more relaxing to me than filling up the tub, turning on some tunes and sinking in for a nice soak. Whether you prefer adding flower petals or bubbles, there’s an ideal bath for everyone and everything from your skin to your muscles to your mind will benefit from a good bath.

Not only is a warm bath calming after a long or stressful day, it can also be soothing if you have a case of the sniffles. A carefully constructed bath can help ease stress and body pain. Light a few candles and pour yourself some cucumber water and you’ll instantly be transported to your own personal spa! Read on for a few bath time recipes for optimal relaxation. You’ll notice some key ingredients that appear in more than one recipe, so let’s take a look at the benefits of each!

Epsom salt helps to flush toxins from your body’s cells, thus easing muscle pain. It also improves the absorption of nutrients and can ease or prevent migraine headaches.

Essential oils have been used to treat anxiety and aches since ancient time.

Lastly, remember to hydrate before your soak! You’ll be sweating out toxins and all the day’s stresses, so drinking plenty of water is very important. Keep a couple water bottles close by and if you feel a little light headed when you get out, drink more water!

Green Tea Detox
1-2 cups Epsom salt
1-2 cups baking soda
2-5 green tea bags

Mix Epsom salt and baking soda together and sprinkle into bath tub full of warm water. Add 2-5 green tea bags and enjoy!
You can also add lemon which is good for brightening skin (3) or apple cider vinegar which helps soften skin! (4)
Sinus Soak
1 cup Epsom salt
½ cup baking soda
Peppermint essential oils
Eucalyptus essential oils

Mix the baking soda and Epsom salt together. Add 5 drops of peppermint oil and 10 drops of eucalyptus oil. Mix well and add a couple scoops of the mixture to your warm bath. Relax, breathe deep and enjoy!
Eucalyptus is a well known decongestant (5) and peppermint is often referred to as the world’s oldest medicine (6), so the combination of these two essential oils is perfect for a sinus soak!
Oatmeal Bath
1 cup oatmeal (for best results, grind in a food processor or blender to a fine powder)
2 tbsp. honey
3 tbsp. Aloe Vera
4 tbsp. milk
3 tbsp. dried mint

Draw a lukewarm bath (hot water may irritate your skin). Warm up the honey in the microwave and add it to your bath. Next, add oatmeal, milk, Aloe Vera and mint. Soak for about 25 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.
This one is especially good for dry, burned or irritated skin!  See details

We’ve all got our favourite bath time treats, whether you like bubbles and foam, oils or bath salts. We especially like bubbles if they come in a fluted glass! However, although many of these bath products are doing wonders for your skin and senses, there are some products that are especially beneficial for your body and mind too.



bath soaks, shower steams, and herbal hair rinses are some of my favorite ways to unwined unwind.

hopefully this post will give you some great diy bath soak ideas. let your creative side run wild with ingredient combinations!

basic bath soak composition:

most bath soaks contain salts, powders, or clays, but you can solely use florals and/or herbals if you’d like. i’d suggest starting with a bath soak goal in mind (decongest, uplift, calm, invigorate, detox, de-stress, etc), and choose your ingredients based on these goals. of course you can create things that just smell good to you! there’s no limit!

common ingredients:

i’d like to say no two bath soaks are alike. mix and match ingredients from these categories for an awesome self-love session. this isn’t an exhaustive list, but one to get your ideas going! Read more



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