Natural Bath Soak Recipe and Homemade Gift


Do you need a good excuse to relax and unwind with a nice long soak in the tub? On the hunt for more Relaxing, Calming, and Invigorating Homemade Bath Salt Recipes?  Get inspired below…

Looking for a super-simple homemade gift that people will love but that won’t break the bank? These DIY bath salts are RIDICULOUSLY easy! Nothing more than mixing some epsom salts with a little essential oil, but the people you give it to will love it. (You will, too, so keep some for yourself!).

So even if you have a day or less, you can throw this project together with a couple ingredients you can likely find in a nearby store, or you might already have in your house.

If, like me, you’re just too busy or too un-crafty to tackle some of those really cool homemade gifts you see on Pinterest all the time, never fear. If you can mix two ingredients, you’re set! A little savvy presentation and you have a DIY gift that’s really special.

All you need to make bath salts are epsom salt and some essential oil, but oh, how much these DIY bath salts add to a  soak in the tub! Epsom salts are a great source of magnesium you can take up through your skin, perfect for de-stressing or bringing on restful sleep. They’re excellent for relieving sore muscles, too. (Find out more about incredible magnesium benefits in this post).

If you don’t already have essential oils around, don’t be intimidated. You can do all your DIY  bath salts with just one little bottle of oil if you prefer. Lavender is always a safe bet, perfect for relaxing and bringing on sleep. Or you can buy pre-blended oils, which will be labeled with words like “relaxing,” “invigorating,” and the like. One year I found an “anti-anxiety” blend that smelled heavenly, and I used that in numerous jars of homemade bath salts I gave out to many folks on my list. Read more



There are few sensations quite as glorious as sinking into a hot bath on a chilly winter’s night, and if that bath happens to be scented with wonderful salts and oils, that can rival a spa experience for relaxation and de-stressing. Add some luxurious, moisturizing body scrubs and lotions into the mix, and you have a spectacular gift package for someone special.

Need a great gift idea that is unique and doesn’t break the bank? These 25 Homemade DIY Gifts for Natural Bath and Beauty products are just the ticket! Are you hearing that sound? The tick tock of an imaginary holiday clock heightening the angst about your last minute gift giving? Teachers, coaches, neighbors, the ladies in the school office, your postal carrier; all those people whom you want to acknowledge but are finding you are running out of ideas and possibly resources.

For the last two weeks I’ve shared a collection of ideas for Homemade DIY gifts; the first for Seasoning Blends and Extracts, the second for Liqueurs and Infusions. This week I have rounded up a delicious, luxurious collection of homemade Bath and Beauty product recipes most of which you can make from your pantry. With the dozens of cookies being baked I’m sure you have not given pause to consider that granulated sugar you are using by the pound right now can be whipped up with some moisturizing oils and used on your winter skin and aching feet.

Honey is not only great for sweetening edibles but bears fabulous restorative and anti-bacterial properties making it perfect to slather on your face for a bit of rejuvenation. Herbs are not only wonderful for flavoring food but for aromatic effects on your energy; lavender is very calming where rosemary is stimulating and a great early morning wake up when blended in shower products. Read more


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