Aromatherapy Scent Pendant: Can a product be your friend?

I recently had the opportunity to try a new addition to The Gift of Scent product offerings. And I’m ready to call this product my friend.

Its name is “Aromatherapy Scent Pendant™” from the Belle Aroma® brand of fragrance diffusers.

It’s a locket with a pretty ceramic flower charm inside which you can load with essential oil and hang on the rearview mirror of your car. So, that’s what I did. I loaded the ceramic charm with several drops of organic peppermint oil, one of two varieties of essential oils included in the packaging.

Using the satin ribbon attached to the locket, I placed the diffuser over my car’s rearview mirror, and forgot about it. Until I got back in the car again.

With the peppermint essential oil applied, I returned to the wonderful feeling of aromatherapy in my car. I say “feeling” because the good smells of aromatherapy bring on a “feeling” that all is right with the world. 

Peppermint essential oil is one of my favorites for its cleansing value. It’s also a known entity for clearing your head for clarity and focus. Its effect is like a breeze of fresh air. A mood lifter. Just the way I want to drive. 

Some say peppermint has antifungal and antiviral properties. I haven’t run my own study, but in case they are right, I want it around, in some capacity, all the time. 

Bejeweled as it is, this diffuser masquerades as a piece of jewelry, so I didn’t want to just leave it hanging in my car. If it works there, where else could it serve a practical and pretty purpose? The justright length of the ribbon makes it easy to remove from the rearview mirror, so with peppermint oil applied, how about a hook in a musty closet?

Or beside my side of the bed or my office space hanging from a lamp finial? You betcha!

For bedroom usage, I switched to the Scent Pendant kit that comes with lavender essential oil, since I was out of my own. Lavender is way more useful than peppermint for inducing sleep. 

Deskside, peppermint oil Scent Pendant rides out the day with me as I write and organize.  

Can a product be your friend, a steady Eddie, a reliable companion that makes you smile?  That’s a hearty “heck, yeah”, from me. 

Let me know how you “Scent-Pendant.” 

Happy New Year! 

Jean VanGrey for


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