Energize Your New Year with Essential Oils

Whether or not you’re setting New Year Resolutions in 2021, we could all use a boost of energy to tackle this next year.

There are so many pieces that go into cultivating a healthy energy level: quality of sleep, stress level, exercise/movement, hydration, quality of food you consume, etc. There are also hundreds of supplements that can help support your body to produce healthy energy levels.

One of my favorite ways to support my energy level is with aromatherapy. Diffusing specific essential oils at various times of the day can help me relax, improve my mood, decrease my stress, and give me the boost of energy I need when the afternoon slump hits. Here’s how to use aromatherapy to improve your energy levels.

Peppermint to Promote Energy

When starting a new exercise program—or even just when the 3 p.m. collapse comes around—I need all the encouragement I can get to get going. Aromatherapy is one of the best ways to give your energy a quick boost. Peppermint is my go-to. Diffusing peppermint essential oil can help me clear my head and energize me to go do whatever is on my list. Try a couple drops of Belle Aroma® 100% Pure Organic Peppermint Essential Oil in a FlashScent® USB Aromatherapy Diffuser anytime you need an energy boost.

Lavender for Supported Sleep

Energy requires rest and recovery. Support healthy sleep and relaxation with Lavender essential oil. Lavender is often called the “Swiss Army” oil because it has so many uses! Diffuse a few drops of Lavender essential in your Ultrasonic Diffuser at night to help you relax. Lavender may help increase melatonin levels to help you fall asleep with ease. Lavender is also a great oil to add to a bath for a relaxing, aromatic soak. Try Belle Aroma 100% Pure Organic Lavender Essential Oil.

Sweet Orange and Lemongrass to Reduce Stress

Reduce your stress level to help promote healthy energy. The sweet smell of orange is uplifting and can help reduce stress when diffused. When life gets especially stressful this new year, diffuse a few drops of Sweet Orange and a few drops of Lemongrass essential oils to help calm your anxiety.

Sweet Orange essential oil may also help to promote better exercise performance. Diffuse during your at-home workout. Lemongrass essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Add it to a post-workout bath to help promote recovery. Try Belle Aroma 100% Pure Organic Sweet Orange Essential Oil and Belle Aroma 100% Pure Organic Lemongrass Essential Oil.

I hope you have all had a fantastic holiday season, and cheers to an energized New Year!

Kate Healy for TheGiftofScent.com


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