Eye Mask – Remove Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Eye masks, also known as sleep masks, are an affordable, natural way to help us get to sleep faster and stay asleep. They are typically made from fabric that is intended to cover both eyes, keeping all incoming light away from your eyes and to help induce a state of pure darkness.



Tired of hearing how tired you look? While sleep is excellent for dark circles under your eyes, don’t lose hope. Here are other great ways to look rested.

Cucumber slices are a popular facial treatment. To treat dark circles under your eyes just place a couple of slices over your eyelids for instant calm. It’s an inexpensive and simple treatment. But what’s the science behind it?

“Technically, cold temperature can cause blood vessels to constrict, so swelling is temporarily reduced,” says Phillip Artemi of the Australasian College of Dermatologists. “But it won’t reverse dark circles around the eyes.”

Cucumbers can also be used to relieve belly bloat, so stock up the next time you’re at the supermarket.

The age-old adage of getting your beauty sleep suggests that the key to brighter eyes is getting enough shut-eye. “Getting more sleep may reduce redness in the eyes and the fullness of eye bags, but it will do little to eliminate dark pigment,” says Artemi. Some experts advise using one or two pillows to keep your head elevated while you sleep, to help prevent fluid build up in your lower eyelids, which gives the impression of puffiness and dark circles under your eyes.

Although diet doesn’t usually play a direct role in dark circles under your eyes, certain foods can aid skin health. Green tea contains skin-friendly antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory benefits that help protect skin cells; salmon contains astaxanthin, a carotenoid that improves skin elasticity to keep fine lines at bay; and avocados and eggs are rich sources of biotin, a vitamin that helps keep skin healthy. Check out these other health benefits of green tea you haven’t heard of before.

A secret weapon for disguising tired eyes, a concealer can help even skin tone. As a bonus, it can also act as a physical barrier against sunlight to ward off sun damage. Make-up guru Bobbi Brown suggests a yellow-based creamy concealer in a shade lighter than your natural skin tone is best at masking blue under-eye circles, while fairer skin types should opt for a porcelain-toned concealer. If skin sensitivity is a concern, then try the most chic concealer of all—a big pair of sunglasses.

If you’re after a little “me time,” an eye mask is the perfect accessory. They’re inexpensive, and gel masks can be warmed up or chilled in the fridge for the desired effect. Worn for about 15 minutes, they can provide much-needed therapy for tired eyes. As for dark circles under your eyes, Hanna Kuchel of the Skin & Cancer Foundation of Australia says a cool eye mask works by causing blood vessels to constrict, which reduces swelling temporarily. But like most at-home remedies, the results are quick and the benefits short-lived.

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You can sleep with a face mask on but make sure that you and your skin get sufficient amount of oxygen during your sleep. So your face mask shouldn’t stop the circulation of fresh air to your skin and lungs. It’s okay to sleep with some face masks on, while it’s recommended not to sleep with certain masks on.




Many of us have some trouble sleeping at night. There are many ways to help yourself sleep, but not all of them are as simple or as natural as a sleep mask. Over-the-counter medication can help temporarily, but it gives you an unnatural rest and can be habit-forming. The same can be true of prescription medication. Counting sheep is likely to just keep you awake or simply bore you to tears. There is a very simple solution that may actually be right for you. A sleep mask, which in simple terms is a very comfortable blindfold, can improve sleep in several ways. Throughout this article we will discuss a few of the potential benefits.


The first, and probably most obvious, advantage of wearing a sleep mask is that it blocks light. While we are trying to sleep, the two biggest distractions from that rest can be noise and light. Light, even moonlight, can keep people from reaching a deep and restful sleep. A sleep mask can not only block out the obvious sources of light, like lamps and televisions, but also natural light like the sun and moon. If your alarm clock or other electronics have a small LED light on them, that can keep you awake at night. If your significant other likes to read at night or watch television, that will not be a problem with a comfortable sleep mask blocking the light.

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Recommended resources:

Does an eye mask actually help you sleep better?

Wrinkle Blasting Collagen Eye Mask

Benefits Of Using A Gel Eye Mask


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