Find Out the Most Important Benefits of Eye Pillow

Find out what are the most important eye pillow benefits! Feeling a little stressed after a long day? Guess what! You need an eye pillow. Just keep reading and discover the ultimate benefits of eye pillow.



How peaceful it feels to lie down and slip on a lavender-filled eye pillow just before you drift away from the worries and stress of this material world? An eye pillow induces sleep, cools off your troubled mind leaving you feeling calm and relaxed. It is no wonder today that eye pillows are considered to be very effective for inducing sleep and calming down a restless mind. They’re even used in aromatherapy.

How Do Eye Pillows Work?

Basically, an eye pillow is made of flax seeds sewn in a soft delicate muslin cloth with an eye shaped frame. The soft bag works by providing the right amount of acupressure from the flax seeds to keep your eyes revitalized and cool off your mind.

When the eye pillow is slightly refrigerated, it provides an even cooler sensation that leaves you relaxed enough to fall into a deep slumber.

lavender eye pillow

Many people use eye pillows to alleviate migraines, common headaches due to pressure and anxiety, and simply to unwind after a long stressful day. The light weight of flax seeds in the bag gives you instant relaxation and comfort. Let’s look at some of the key benefits you get from eye pillows.

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An Eye pillow is typically a small bag filled with flax seeds, beads or gel beads that is placed over your eyes when you lie on your back. There are many eye pillow benefits that will help with sleep and tranquility.



Feeling a little stressed after a long day? Guess what! You need a lavender eye pillow! This little, pouch-sized paraphernalia is placed above your eyes when you lie down or sleep. It is packed with so much healing properties along with a very fragrant smell.

The lavender eye pillow benefits are simply amazing! Lavender eye pillow:

is aesthetically pleasing and fragrantly enticing,

makes the eyes look lively,

promotes good sleep and good health,

lessens eye fatigue,

reduces physiological and psychological stress.

Read also: 5 Flaxseed Eye Pillow Benefits Everyone Should Know

But What Really is a Lavender Eye Pillow?

First, what is an eye pillow?

It’s a little bit different from your usual pillow. Unlike pillows, it is used to cover the eyes. It is sometimes called dream pillow because it helps in good sleep. Eye pillows are basically rectangular-shaped bags filled with scented or non-scented herbs. Lavender, flax seed, chamomile, rose petals, eucalyptus and dried rice are commonly used as fillers.

Lavender eye pillow is the eye pillow filled mainly with dried lavender, which has healing properties. It is available in the market or it can be created at home.

How to make one is very straightforward.

A chosen fabric is cut into desired size and shape and is then sewed in the seams. Next, the sewn fabric is filled with lavender and other herbs of choice. Lastly, the final opening where the herbs were inserted will be closed.

After making or purchasing the eye pillow, some people prefer to heat or freeze it for a while before using. Others prefer to place it above their eyes as it is. Either way, the effects of the lavender eye pillow can be felt instantly.

Here comes another question: When can you use an eye pillow?

Does usage require any specific circumstance? Simple answer: No! It can be used at any time and without any condition. It can be used when you just feel like taking a break from work or when you want to sleep better. Some yoga practitioners utilize it as an additional tool for ultra-relaxation. If you’re feeling jittery, depressed or little unmotivated, this can also be your little friend.

By now, it is clear that lavender eye pillows can be used as a holistic treatment for psychological stresses.

But, is that it?

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