Beating the Stay at Home Blues

Whether you’re working from home or just having to stay at home, who’s not looking to feel better these days? As an e-commerce distributor in the aromatherapy diffuser business, The Gift of has witnessed how essential oils can work to alleviate stress, and ease tension and anxiety at times like these, or any time, really.
Here we offer our best tips for taking down the lock-down blues.

Slip into a warm tub with a few drops of any of our carefully curated 100% pure Lavender, Lemongrass, or Sweet Orange essential oils. They each have scads of uses for getting emotions in check, encouraging restful sleep or revitalizing for the workday. Lemongrass is known as a revitalizing agent. Sweet Orange is famous for its ability to ease anxiety.
Peppermint refreshes mind and spirit, and alleviates even a headache, according to the encyclopedic resource: Essential Oils Natural Remedies, The Complete A to Z Reference of Essential Oils for Health and Healing, from Althea Press.
When diluted, essential oils are also useful as massaging agents and in warm compresses for muscle pain and stiffness.

Wafting about in your favorite room, the sights, sounds and the olfactory pleasures of essential oil diffusion are almost immediate. Check out the site for our attractive tabletop diffusers that can be used with our essential oil lines.
If a diffusion device is not readily available, just hold your favorite 100% pure essential oil bottle under your nose and inhale for a few seconds for some immediate relief from the stay-at-home blues.
Find other ways to soak, soap and scrub your way to upping your spirits. Any time you can bring pure essential oils and other satisfying fragrance products into your home, you are on the way.
Note: Do not apply essential oils directly onto skin without testing a drop onto the underside of your forearm. As with many things in nature, some of us can be more sensitive than others. Always follow the maker’s instructions for best usage of the product before using any essential oil.

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