Fragrance Warmers Bring the Vibe Home

Some smell experiences are just so memorable that you want them all the time.
It’s where you were. What you were doing. Who you were with. The feelings. The landscape. The smells.
In the hot and busy French Quarter of New Orleans, street cleaner trucks defuse the spoils of the day by spraying the entire area with a lemony scent that still lingers the morning after. The Big Easy smells shower-fresh and ready for a new day. It’s a memory worth taking home.
Another sight and smell to take home is an ocean. The water is 50 shades of blue and green sea glass. The smell is fresh air, salt, and suntan lotion. Having those colors and smells at home is at the top of my list.
I find the colors in this Plugables® Fragrance Vase + night light a good match. It’s a mosaic art creation of both form and function. Also, in sunflower gold mosaic and deep-sea blue, it works gloriously well with Belle Aroma® No-Melt® Fragrance Tarts, in a variety of fragrances.
Mountain Air fragrance tart is a lovely way to call up the freshness of sea air, too. But there’s also Evergreen, Apple Orchard, Sweet French Lavender, Grape Soda, and Brown Sugar Biscotti No-Melt Tarts. The Plugables® Fragrance Vase also works with traditional wax melts.
Another way to warm up fragrance memories at home is the handsome ScenTrio® fragrance warmers with 3-way timers, designed for all fragrance load possibilities: No-Melt Fragrance Tarts®, fragranced wax melts, and essential and fragrance oils. Just place into the warmer cup, plug it in, and find a fragrance memory waiting for you.
You can find these charming and exciting ways to warm up good smell memories every day at home at, on the “Diffusers and Warmers” tab.
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