Help Mom Create a Self-Care Routine to Lower Her Stress

I bet there’s no better time to study stress’s effect on the human body than right now—in the middle of a pandemic. And one of the most highly stressed groups of people right now has to be parents. From coordinating virtual or hybrid school schedules, to helping their children navigate new expectations in a pandemic, to trying to keep the boat from rocking with every new world issue that crops up, the parents in our lives are certainly reaching their stress limits on the daily.
Who needs a day to relax and unwind more than our moms? Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to pamper the hard-working mothers in your life. But beyond just a day of relaxation, help Mom build her self-care routine so she can lower her stress level on a regular basis.
Here are some tips for building a self-care routine that can help us release stress in a particularly stressful world:
Time Away from Screens
I’m sure everyone has heard this a million times by now that lowering your stress level requires taking time away from screens. Make time away from screens a key part of your self-care routine.
Blue light from electronic screens can damage our brain chemistry, eye function, and more. Be sure to avoid screens for at least an hour before bed and for an hour when you wake up. Avoiding screens before your bedtime can help regulate your sleep cycle. You can also help lower the effect of blue light on your brain by wearing blue light glasses when you look at screens.

Time to Yourself
Another important aspect of a successful self-care routine is taking time for yourself. We can’t truly understand what we need if we don’t take time to tune in to ourselves. Our bodies will tell us what they need, but we have to learn to listen.
You can take time to yourself in various ways. Try taking a long bath, starting a meditation practice and sit in silence, or go on a walk by yourself. Or go to a spa or get your nails done. Pamper yourself and tune in regularly as part of your self-care routine.
Give Mom the opportunity to take time to herself for Mother’s Day. Give her a spa day or just take care of her daily responsibilities so she can tune in and relax for a day.
Need some inspiration? Check out this post for unique Mother’s Day gift bundles that will surely have the mom’s in your life feeling pampered:

Spend Time in Nature
Nature is healing. Combine time away from screens and time to yourself with time in nature for a powerful self-care practice. There are dozens of studies about the power of spending time in nature on our physical and mental health. Take a short walk in the woods or prairie as part of your self-care routine.

Practice Aromatherapy
Essential oils can have powerful relaxing effects and can help improve your mood. Add aromatherapy to your self-care routine to help amplify your stress-relief efforts.
Learn more about how essential oils can help improve your mood:
Give Mom everything she needs to start her self-care routine with the Mother’s Day Gift Bundle “Mom’s Self-Care Routine!” with Belle Aroma® Lavender Essential Oil and Unplugged Diffuser with felt replacement pads and the I Am Peaceful Salt Soak, Mom will have everything she needs to feel less stressed—even during the pandemic.
Kate for TheGiftofScent.Com.

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